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Cryptocurrencies trading is now available at TemplerFX

TemplerFX's novel offering lets you trade Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum, against USD in a true ECN environment. Namecoin and Peercoin are axpected soon.

Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum proved to have great potential for investment and speculation, due to their high volatility and dramatic price moves.

We use xBTCe, one of the top online cryptocurrency exchanges, as our liquidity provider. Our order execution is based on the RMS – TemplerFX's proprietary technology with proven excellent performance over several years.

You can now trade cryptocurrencies and enjoy all the benefits of ECN execution and most importantly you are trading against other market participants, not against the broker. There is no conflict of interest between you and the broker. The trading network is formed by buy and sell orders from all participants and the RMS processes all buy and sell orders that are currently available on the market giving you the best prices and seamless execution.

You get the tight market spread and low trading commissions, while the broker benefits as your traded volume and profits grow. All popular Forex trading styles including scalping, hedging and all types of expert advisors are allowed. Available leverage is 1:3.