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FX Trading & CFD trading involve a high level of risks, including capital invested

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Why FOREX Trading

The Forex (Foreign Exchange) market is the biggest capital market in the world with a daily turnover of approximately US $ 2 trillion. In this market you can trade and enjoy the following advantages:

  • New source of return to your portfolio beyond stocks and bonds
  • Potential additional yield from high interest currencies
  • More risk diversification to your portfolio beyond stocks and bonds
  • Possibility to trade heavy macro economic events and trends
  • Numerous trading opportunities for technical and short-term traders
  • Profit from stop losses, high liquidity and safety

Forex vs. Equities and Futures

Foreign Exchange TradingEquities TradingFutures Trading
Typical Leverage1:1 - 1000:12:115:1
LiquidityDaily Volume: $1.9 TrillionLimited LiquidityLimited Liquidity
CommissionsNo CommissionsCommissions and Exchange FeesCommissions and Exchange Fees
Trading Activity24 Hour Active Market7 Hours/ Limited After Hours7 Hours/ Limited After Hours

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